
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sweet Kitty | JustNick Studio Design Team

Well hello everyone, and welcome to spring!  Isn't it all a bit surreal?  So much is going on in the world right now, and now we are all globally learning a whole new vocabulary and way of life due to the COVID-19 virus:  social distancing, coronavirus, disinfectant wipes, N95 masks, PPE (personal protective equipment), and more.  It can be overwhelming and anxiety-producing for sure.  But one thing I do know is that in this environment, art, crafting, and pretty things can help us distract ourselves and stay calmer.  To that end, I have a layout to share from earlier this month with my sweet kitty, Oreo.  Take a look:

Isn't his little face just the cutest??  I used American Crafts Dear Lizzy "She's Magic" collection with a new JustNick Studio cut file called "Floral Umbrella".  I'd love for you to head over to the JustNick Studio blog for a more detailed look.

Be well, stay safe...much love and chocolate to all.
